Drinking from one chalice containing a mermaid's tear will extend life the second person dies, their remaining years of life transferred to the other drinker. The Fountain's water must simultaneously be drunk by two people from the chalices. Jack must find two silver chalices aboard Juan Ponce de León's missing flagship, the Santiago. Blackbeard seeks the Fountain's power to circumvent his predestined fatal encounter with a "one-legged man", who happened to be Barbossa. While Jack is shanghaied aboard Blackbeard's ship, Gibbs escapes execution by memorizing and destroying Jack's map showing the Fountain's location, forcing Barbossa to take him along.Meanwhile, after a failed mutiny aboard the Queen Anne's Revenge, Jack is forced to guide the crew to the Fountain. The impostor is Angelica, Jack's former lover, and the daughter of the ruthless pirate Blackbeard, who practices voodoo magic and wields the mythical "Sword of Triton" that controls his ship, the Queen Anne's Revenge. Jack learns someone is impersonating him to recruit a crew to find the Fountain. He meets up with his father, Captain Teague, who warns Jack about the Fountain's rituals. Jack's old nemesis, Captain Hector Barbossa, now a privateer in service to the British Navy after losing his leg and ship, the Black Pearl, which he says was sunk, is heading the expedition.Jack refuses the offer and escapes. None of them have significant production value or give anything away.

The king wants Jack to guide an expedition to the Fountain of Youth before King Ferdinand and the Spanish Navy can locate it. Watch Pirates Of The Caribbean: On Stranger Tides - Photos On Set The folks at have gone above and beyond and infiltrated the set of Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides to bring us some photos.

Storyline: Pirates of the Caribbean On Stranger Tides (2011) After a failed attempt to rescue his first mate, Joshamee Gibbs, in London, Captain Jack Sparrow is brought before King George II.